Sunday, January 29, 2012

Character Interview: Martyr from "Replication: The Jason Experiment" by Jill Williamson

Martyr's trailer:

(Some of the answers may contain spoilers for those who have not read Replication.)

Hi, Martyr! You once told Abby that red is your favorite color. Why is red your favorite?

Martyr: Because it's bright and strong. It always makes my heart race a little to see something red. Even with food. When I see a red food, I know it will taste wonderful.

I think I know what you mean. I love bright, red strawberries, especially when they're dipped in chocolate!

What do you and the other Jasons do for fun?

Martyr: When we were smaller, we played on the playground and played running games or hiding games. But the older Jasons don't get much free time. I liked to talk with Baby, whether we were sitting in cafeteria or walking around the track. I liked to throw balls back and forth with Baby. And eating food was sometimes fun. Some Jasons draw art. Dr. Max's class was fun as well. He sometimes told us things the other doctors did not. Talking with Dr. Goyer was also fun, but he was not a teacher, so we did not see him often.

Now that we don't live at the Jason Farms, we have more free time. I have been helping Abby teach the younger boys about the outside world. Some of the Jasons like to paint and draw. I like to make plans with Abby about things we will do to help the boys grow smart and be free. That is fun for me.

It's the beginning of a new year. Do you have any New Year's resolutions?

Martyr: I didn't know the word "resolution," but Abby has taught me how to use the computer's dictionary. (Dictionaries are fun for me. I'd like to add that to my list of fun things in the previous question.)

Now that I am free, I am determined to see that the Jasons--Abby calls them my brothers--have the chance at a regular life, like other people living in the country of the United States of America. Dr. Goyer tells me it will take time to ensure that my brothers have equal rights. I am willing to be patient and trust the Creator of Everything in this resolution. I am confident things will turn out well.

I think dictionaries are alot of fun too! :-)

At the end of Replication, there was a hint of further adventures. Will we hear more about you, Abby, and the other Jasons soon?

Martyr: I cannot give a proper answer to this. There is much going on. Dr. Goyer and I are trying to learn that location of the two other labs called Gunnolf and Camp Ragnar. And there is a reason that Dr. Kane wanted the little boys and said they were worth three million dollars each. But we cannot figure out that reason yet. We are still working on this. And we will prevail. I do not know if the publisher will want to share this story with all of you. But I am certain that our storyteller, Jill Williamson, will let you know the answer to that as soon as she knows it. :)

Thank you so much, Martyr, for stopping by and answering these questions!

(Stop by tomorrow for my review of Replication: The Jason Experiment and the Novel Teen blog tour.)


  1. Awesome! I think character interviews are tons of fun. I haven't been able to get my hands on this book yet, but I'm hoping to sometime soon!

  2. The book is really good. And thanks for following my blog! :-)

  3. THIS IS AWESOME! More books for my reading list!

  4. Yay! Yes, I always love adding new books to my reading list! Now if only my bank account would keep up... ;-)

  5. That was a fun interview. Keep up the good work.
